Saturday, 20 December 2008

update on Somaliland charity

We have gotten some more info about the charity in Somaliland. The organisation does not have a website yet and they solely depend on personal support for the time being. Unfortunately we can also not name the peaceful organisation, as that might get them into trouble since their proect in Somaliland has been terminated by the UN and condemned by the militant groups. It's best not to risk their safety in both ways.

Our friend also insisted if we could help the 8 Somali staff employees that were part of her project and which they had to leave behind in Hargeisa. They have been unemployed since and all have families to feed. One of employee is even in the hospital. For this critical reason, any help we can give is very much appreciated.

We want to split the money evenly so that both the organisation as well as the unemployed staff can be aided.

Some more information about 1st organisation (*names are changed for security reasons)

GUD* is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit making national organization. The organization was formally founded in November 2007 with the technical and financial support of Somaliland intellectuals and traditional leaders who were, and still are, fully engaged on peace building, conflict resolution and promotion of human rights. The founders and top management team were engaged on similar activities since 2003 in their earlier capacities in another LNGO (HS LNGO) which they separated themselves from during the last quarter of 2007 as they established GUD.

They initiated the launching of the Advocacy program of Human Rights, Peace and Environment focused on the Somali Customary Law (Xeer) with direct involvement of the grass root traditional leaders as the major agents of change to amend the harmful customary codes and put them in alignment with the international human rights standards. After the initial successes of the Advocacy program in the Togdheer region and the replication of the experience in Hargeisa region they established a professional local NGO to keep the programma alive.
In establishing Hornpeace this deficit was sought addressed by opening a conduit for the traditional system and international organizations to work together on a broad specter of issues. These issues were being ignored by other international organizations operating in Somaliland. They have various branches in different regions and are looking to more progress in the Somaliland peace cause.

Monday, 15 December 2008

Rebel Up! Soundclash #19, Saturday 20th of december @ OCCII , Eastern Africa special with Andy Moor, Terrie Ex & Tony Buck

Danane? Kamela'cha dahane? Skawaran?

Just some 'how are you' greetings in Ethiopian, Eritrean and Somali....
We hope all is 'demen' , 'suboq' or 'nabad' with you.

Ok folks, let the horns sound once again, it's time for the last Rebel Up! Soundclash of 2008!

What better way to end the year with a special night of Eastern African sounds @ OCCII! We've got a seriously full evening lined up. It's not just a night of african disco and soukous alone as you might expect, but also we've got an extra special live set done by 3 very much respected musicians from the punk and improv scene!

Our special guests of the night are Terrie Ex & Andy Moor (both The Ex) who will form a one-off impromptu trio with improv drummer Tony Buck (The Necks, AUS) who happens to be in town and feels like kicking it loud and late with us.
Expect a bodyshaking afro-punk-jazz improv set into multiple directions of the african hemisphere... surely it's gonna be a tasty mash of styles, just as we like it at Rebel Up!

After that, Terrie and Andy will play an Eastern African disco set, focussing on the modern folk and pop sounds from Ethiopia and Eritrea. You thinking Ethiopiques? Sure deal, but don't forget that the local pop is also booming over there and worth listening and dancing to. So now it's your chance to discover such delights!
Support in this amazing night will also come from your usual Rebel Up! DJ's and VJ.

In this edition we want to focus on the eastern side of the African continent. All is not well in Sudan, Somalia, and southern parts of Ethiopia and the struggles for power are going on and on. Most affairs are hidden from the western world and rather forgotten by the media, as if things in that part of Africa aren't worth to be supported by the west.

We've got an Italian friend who worked at a social UN project in Somaliland. Since the recent bomb blasts that killed 2 of her UNDP colleagues and which was followed subsequent threats by the militant Somali Al Shabaab group, she had to be relocated to Nairobi (Kenya) along with most western UN staff.
She told us about a small reliable NGO project that is running in Somaliland, which always needs funds and that we would like to support on our night. This organisation specializes in giving conflict management training among tribal elders, which is the best possible approach in that region. To create awareness by teaching active ways of stopping violence between various tribes is already a good step towards a lasting peace. More information about this organisation will follow as soon as we've gotten all the name, details and websites from our friend in Nairobi (keep a tab on our website or find out on the night itself)
Be sure not to miss this quality filled night, perhaps the best last party of the year~!
We hope to see you saturday.

More info on the night and musicians below. and some visual spheres too!

Rebel Up! Soundclash (#19)
Diasporic sounds from the global underground.....
a global culture mashup of rougher world music and visuals,

Saturday 20th of december @ OCCII
Amstelveenseweg 134 (tram #1 (stop Overtoomsesluis) or #2)
doors open 22:30 till late,
4 Euro fee. -> Profit goes to charity!

Monday, 17 November 2008

Rebel Up! Soundclash #18 , Saturday 29th of november

Hi all,

(for dutch version, scroll further down)

Already feeling in the mood for another session at the OCCII? We sure do!

Our next Rebel Up night will be linked to the India festival and to the Indian cultural project as done by 2 of own Rebel Up people! (remember the ek-do-tin-accha blog!?)
On the programme, a real special thing; a *live Rajasthani music cinema*, in which filmed footage and music will be performed together on screen and through the loudspeakers! A story without words, but with music as a narrative and your own experience to grasp.

More special performances should be expected too, keep a close eye on our website!
All night long, we'll play you loads of famous and unheard cinematic pop, tribal folk and folkpop tunes from allover India's vast continent to make everyone jump and jive on the dancefloor!

Back to our charity motivation as always....
The charity of the night is Telluris India, a Belgian help organisation which gives aid to the Munda tribes in the forest state of Jharkhand in Northern India. These tribes are part of the Adivasi caste and are the native inhabitants of this region. Their culture and way of life dates back to before the creation of Hinduism, 5000 years ago. Nature means all to these tribes; they have a natural religion and worship the nature around them.

Surrounded by dominant cultures of the Hindustan caste system and the ever modernising world, they are on the verge to lose their land and culture forever. By the hands of corrupted authorities that favour industrialisation, mining and lumberjacking, the forests have already robbed of 70% of their original size. As a result, their land is plagued by erosion, droughts and the decline of flora, wildlife and trees!

The forest offers ecological diversity, life, medicinal quailities and protection from erosion and because the Munda are small time farmers and therefore need the forest in order to survive. Telluris helps the tribes with planting of new crops and medicinal plants, the digging of water wells, spreading knowledge about organic farming and other projects linked to their direct environment. The tribes can decide for themselves in which facilities they would like to receive aid in by Telluris, instead of such choices being made for them like most NGO's do. The villagers gather to discuss, unite and motivate each other for achieving their prime goals and Telluris helps them fullfilling these wishes. Nearly all the local employees at Telluris who work with the Munda, are Munda themselves en educated by Telluris. At Telluris, the most important thing is to actively let people take part in the process where at every interaction, knowledge is exchanged!

More info:

Saturday 29th of november @ OCCII
Amstelveenseweg 134 (tram #1 (stop Overtoomsesluis) or #2)
doors open 22:30 till late,
4 Euro fee. -> Profit goes to charity!

Rebel Up! Soundclash (#18)
Diasporic sounds from the global underground.....
a global culture mashup of rougher world music and visuals,



Ook al zin in de volgende wereldse avond in de OCCII? Wij echt wel!

Deze Rebel Up avond zal in het teken staan van het India festival en ook het Indiase cultuurproject van 2 creatieve persoontjes uit onze eigen organisatie! (denk aan het ek-do-tin-accha blog!) Met op het programma een heuse live *Rajasthani music cinema*, waarin beeld en muziek ter plekke zullen worden opgevoerd voor uw ogen en oren. Een verhaal zonder woorden, maar met muziek als narratief en uw eigen ervaring daarbij. Extra optredens kunnen nog verwacht worden, houdt daarom onze website goed in de gaten. De hele avond worden er herkenbare en onbekende
cinema pop, tribale folk en folkpop tonen uit de verschillende Indiase staten gespeeld om iedereen op de dansvloer goed te doen stuiteren!

Zoals altijd, onze motivatie voor een oprecht goede hulporganisatie.

Het goede doel van deze avond is Telluris India, een Belgische organistatie die de inheemse Munda stammen helpt in de deelstaat Jharkhand in Noord India. Deze stammen vallen binnen de Adivasi kaste en zijn de oorspronkelijke bewoners van deze regio. Hun cultuur en leefwijze dateert van voordat het Hinduisme in India ontstond, ca. 5000 jaar geleden. De natuur is alles voor deze stammen; ze hebben een natuurreligie en daarbij vereren ze de natuur rondom hun.

Omgeven door dominante culturen van het Hindoestaanse kastensysteem enerzijds en de voortdenderende modernisering en industrialisering anderzijds, dreigen zij hun leefgebied en manier van leven te verliezen. Lokale corruptie heeft industrialisering, mijnbouw en houtkap vrij spel gegeven en de bossen zijn al voor 70% verdwenen. Met alle gevolgen van dien: erosie (waterproblemen en verarming van de grond), droogte en het verdwijnen van planten- en diersoorten en houtschaarste!

Het bos biedt ecologische diversiteit, levens- en geneesmiddelen en bescherming voor erosie. De Munda zijn kleinschalige landbouwers en hebben het bos daarom hard nodig.
Telluris helpt de stammen bij het planten van nieuwe gewassen en medicinale planten, het graven van waterputten, kennis over bio farming en andere projecten die te maken hebben met hun leefomgeving. De Munda stammen kunnen zelf bepalen in welke natuurlijke voorzieningen ze geholpen willen worden ipv dat er voor ze gekozen wordt zoals dat bij vele NGO's gaat. Dorpsbewoners komen bij elkaar om te overleggen, zich te verenigen en elkaar te motiveren om de gestelde doelen te halen en Telluris helpt hun bij het verwezenlijken hiervan. Bijna alle medewerkers van Telluris die met de Munda werken zijn zelf Munda, opgeleid door Telluris. Bij Telluris draait het om mensen deel uit te laten maken van een uitwisseling waar bij iedere interactie kennis overgedragen kan worden.

Onze Rebel Up VJ Maarten; Ik heb als filmmaker in 2008 contact gezocht met Telluris om mij meer te verdiepen in de oorspronkelijke bewoners van India. Met Telluris heb ik een film gemaakt over hun en hun leefomgeving gedurende 2 weken. De Munda kennen electriciteit nauwelijks, kabels lopen niet door het dorp heen. 's Nachts is het er pikkedonker en is men alleen met elkaar, de sterren en de silouetten van de bomen. Olielampjes bieden de nodige verlichting om een weg door de lemen huisjes te vinden. De Munda doen alles met de hand. Men maakt uit hout en ijzer eigen gereedschap, gebruikt een houten ploeg om het land te bewerken en weeft met de hand.

Iedereen in het dorp is constant druk bezig en toch zijn de Munda de meest ontspannen, vriendelijke en vrolijke mensen die ik ben tegengekomen op mijn reis door India. De Munda zijn zo hartelijk en goedlachs dat men er intens vrolijk van wordt.. En toch hebben de Munda het zwaar. Ze worden in hun manier van leven bedreigt. Niet omdat hun manier van leven niet rendabel is maar doordat de bossen van Jharkhand vliegensvlug verdwijnen -of liever: al verdwenen zijn- en er in India een lage sociale gerechtigheid heerst. De economsiche vooruitgang wordt gestuwd door het grote arsenaal aan goedkope arbeiders die ontheemding oplevert.

Wat mij bij Telluris aansprak was hun insteek in ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Ze leggen geen hulp op zoals vele andere NGO's, maar ze helpen mensen met de juiste hulp die de mensen zelf willen. Ze verlenen hulp vanuit een visie zoals hulp naar mijn idee geboden dient te worden. Bij Telluris draait het om mensen deel uit te laten maken van een uitwisseling die bij iedere interactie een extra waarde toevoegd.

Meer info:

Zaterdag 29 november @ OCCII
Amstelveenseweg 134 (tram #1 (halte Overtoomsesluis) or #2)
deur: 22:30 tot laat,
4 Euro entree. -> Winst gaat naar het goede doel!

Rebel Up! Soundclash (#18)
Diasporic sounds from the global underground.....
a global culture mashup of rougher world music and visuals,

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Sat. 15th of November; Rebel Up plays sounds and visuals at India Festival @ De Balie

Hi there,

At the end of the month we will ofcourse have another Rebel Up! party -(rumours say it might be an Indian Special on the 29th, ssssshhhhht!)-, but untill that coming date, we will be playing on a night at the India Festival this saturday, 15th of november! The venue is cultural cafe De Balie, which is the big cafe right next to Paradiso. We've no clue what to expect; to play for filling up a dancefloor or rather for a relaxed cafe atmosphere with seated folks, hmmm. Either way, we'll bring the listening people a mashed stew of special folkpop, known and unknown cinematic tunes from Bollywood and other Indian states and some straight-up raw folk. The VJ will show a interesting divide between the Bollywood image of India and the *real* streetwise India as filmed by our VJ during our travels last year.

Come along! We're not sure if our musical part is free, but the cinema/political debate things before aren't...
The programme in the Balie on saturday rolls like this:

10.00-17.00 uur | By-Pass. Everyday life and Contemporary Urbanism in India and China (symposium)
19.00-21.00 uur | Voices from the Fringe: Community Videos
21.00-23.00 uur | Debate 2: Stories from beyond the digital divide
21.30-23.30 uur | Voices from the Fringe: Seven Islands and a Metro
23.00 uur - 01.30 | End of evening with music (Rebel Up! Soundclash DJ + VJ)

ps. More info soon about our Rebel Up! night in the occii on 29th, promise!

The India festival kicked off last week, so take a peek at their programme filled website: There's quite a lot to do and see during the next 3 weeks, like famous Indian raga and folk artists at the Concertgebouw and Tropentheater, many exhibitions at Van Gogh and Foam and also some great classic movie trilogy in the Film Museum by the master director Satyajit Ray. And much more.

Also another friendly spin plug: there's an Indian interaction project going on at the Waag every satuday till the 30th, the City Raga's project by the Waag Society. This creative interactive game enables you to have direct contact with people in Delhi and following your own trail! Info below ->

Curious about India?
Interested in the Indian culture?
Participate in a photo exchange game with people from Delhi?

Together with 3 people in Amsterdam and 3 people in Delhi you create a visual story.

City Ragas is a mobile game played in India and the Netherlands.
Every team, consisting of people from Amsterdam and Delhi, has the mission to create a storyline by exchanging pictures. The collection of pictures will be an artwork on changing city identities, which will be interpreted by Hans Plomp, a poet, writer and who sees India as his motherland on the 18th of November in the Waag.

For more information see:
You can easily register yourself and invite friends to join the cultural exchange.
You can participate on the following days at the Waag, Nieuwmarkt 4 at 9.30 or 12.00

8 november
15 november
22 november
30 november
See you there!
Love, Lipika

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Rebel Up! Soundclash #17 , saturday 18th of october, special guest Malorix (NL)

Dear individuals of the freed society,

You who know better than wasting your time and money on the global bank failing system. You who heard the sounds crash from oh so many parties. Can’t you hear the horns of a fanfare passing by your doorsteps? Or maybe the volume of your Mesopotamian LP is already too high. You would definitely like to cheer it a bit with a Nigerian high-life.

Well, if you have a minute or five full hours to spare, you might have a chance to meet that kind of stuff and plenty more this saturday at the OCCII, on the next Rebel Up night! Starting as usual : get your first drink at 22.30 and start to dance at 23.00 or break the rule, you fool. Some of the survivors of the last september clash still feel the rumbles of the African Guinean drums played live by those cool Polish guys and backed by Selecta Vega.

This time we'll have special guest Malorix from the multicultural port of Rotterdam. He'll treat you to a live laptop set and meet me in the White Lodge if he can’t play enough rough shake-it-shake-it rarities and beat ratatats! Expect not just live electronics but also his finest selection of Northern African Raï and Arab-Asian sounds

Also the nomadic Nohmada guys from Ghent will join us again with refreshed sprinkles of Southern and Eastern European delights. Sure you'll hop and bounce to their playfull tunes till your ankles hurt!

And here another good reason to come.......

As you may well know, things are not going for the best in Zimbabwe, due to the perpetual thirst of power by nasty characters over an overwhelmed population.

The British association Garden Africa develops agricultural methods for resource and land management. In other words; to teach local people how they can plant, grow and harvest their crops under the best possible conditions to have enough food. The Rusapa project is a fine step in the right direction and with your help by a simple contribution at the entrance and at free will during the night, you can make a difference too! Hope to meet you there for the good of your legs and for the health of those in needs. See more at:

See y’all,
Your RebelUppites

Sunday, 21 September 2008

RebelUp! #16 - Warm and Roasty - 27th Septembre

Hi basement partygoers,

The last edition of Rebel Up went on a Cumbia session in order to make the transition from stretching your toes in the sand of a paradise island to your shoes clapping the concrete dancefloor of the OCCII. Now that you're up for it, we gonna bring you in even hotter spaces. The psychedelic sound of Western Africa mingling with surprises from Ethiopian romance. Once you'll be warm enough, we'll cook you with unexpected sounds from the Carribean and maybe surf up with some Turkish bands. In the end, you'll be roasted in a Punjabi Indian fashion. Hope you're ready for the mixture, cause we will be trumpets all out on Saturday, the 27th of September, at the usual place, meaning the Untouchable OCCII. We'll start at 22.30 and finish the dessert at 4.00. 4 is also the price in euro to get in which will be redistributed to a humatarian association that's not yet determined. We'll keep you posted.

The Rebel Up crew

Saturday, 27th of September @ OCCII, Amsterdam
Amstelveenseweg 134 (tram #1 (stop Overtoomsesluis) or #2)
doors open 22:30 till late, 4 Euro fee. Profit goes to charity!

Monday, 11 August 2008

Rebel Up! Soundclash Nueva Cumbia special, with DJ Pinchado (AR), saturday 23rd of august!

Hi all,

The holidays are almost at an end, bah....but we're back!

Feel like hearing tunes from the freshest South American style and get into a summer mood?
Now's the time, Rebel Up! Soundclash finally presents a Nueva Cumbia special!
and a special guest too; DJ Pinchado from Buenos Aires!
His tropicalist cut ups of crunchy cumbia's and slow rebajadas will make the dancefloor shake and swoon into a tropical sizzle! Hear snippets below...

This special night will be in aid of a Colombian foundation, named Juconi ( Since Colombia is the cradle of the cumbia, why not give it a proper context? So it gets.

We would like to support the Micro Empresas project, where poor single working mothers receive support in setting up their own little business through practical education. This way they can start working from home instead of leaving their children behind every day for a far away and mostly underpaid job. This will prevent their children from ending up on the street and gives them and their family a chance for a better future.

some classic little warm ups...

70's style Cumbia, way back...
Los Mirlos - Cumbia de los Pajaritos
The master.... Alejandro Duran - Atardecer Sinuano
Vallenato a gogo! Conjunto Tipico Vallenato - Cymbia Cienaguera
Cumbia Mestizo! Amandititita - Viernes de Quincena

& last not least... Argentinian dubstep. It's out there, hiding.
Daleduro - Villa Crespo

-remember, one week online, after that no more pet peeves for thieves..-

We hope to see you at OCCII for some lush latino action!! Better not miss it, it's gonna be the best tropical underground party of this stormy summer...

Saturday, 23rd of August @ OCCII, Amsterdam
Amstelveenseweg 134 (tram #1 (stop Overtoomsesluis) or #2)
doors open 22:30 till late, 4 Euro fee. Profit goes to charity!

Rebel Up! Soundclash (#15) *Nueva Cumbia special*
Diasporic sounds from the global underground.....
a global culture mashup of rougher world music and visuals, without borders!
(mestizo, gypsy, old skool roots, roughness from Africa, latino cuts, rhythms from Arabia, Asian pop and gritty electronics. Everything!, and worldy mashed)
with various dj's, armed with a musical manifesto.....

Please bring your friends, family, pets and network buddies etc, through word of mouth, digitally and so on. we hope to see you there! :)

Saturday, 21 June 2008


here some warm up sounds for tonight and beyond, buckload em now!

piece from Myanmar, as taken from the sold-out Sublime Frequencies release 'Princess Nicotine: Folk and Pop Music of Myanmar'
Unknown Artist - My Darling's Love Arrow

classic Prince Buster tune, sing'n'hop along!
Prince Buster - Madness

and a slow moment, taken from a countryside wedding in southern Hungary. That voice, those violins...
Magyarpalatka - Szokos dance

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Rebel Up! Soundclash #14, Saturday 21st of June: another helping hand for Myanmar, >Part 2!<

Hi all,

Thanks again to all the people who came out at last month's busy night for Myanmar, with your help we raised 250 euro's!! We are damn proud of this and want to thank you all for your partying support.

In this month's Rebel Up! Soundclash we again want to raise funds for Myanmar, as there still is a lot of help needed for the 100.000 homeless cyclone victims and a doubled donation would give more families a new start.
Hopefully we can add extra loot to the proceedings of last month and make a firm donation. Look at the previous #13 message for info on the Myanmar Charity Group.

What about the music, maestro?.... we have a special guest!
MARK GERGIS (USA) (of SUBLIME FREQUENCIES & POREST) will be bringing a killer (laptop) dj set filled with exotic cut-ups, asian chopchops and middle eastern collages, if not more. Expect some raw field recorded disco extravanganza! As we always play a lot of stuff from the Sublime Frequencies label, we feel very honoured that one of its contributors pays us a visit to play.

And what else, our second traveller, VJ M, returns from his trip allover the Indian subcontinent! Through Pakistan and Iran our VJ man will find his way back to Occii to take control of the visuals again and morph his road recordings at culture shock speed for your eyes only.
One of our other faithful Rebel Up! dj's will be missing in action this time, being in Armenia for a full month of research and trekking in the Carpatian mountains. Since our Polish guest Vega Selecta couldn't make it last time, he will step in to get some playtime alonside the usual Rebel Up! crew.

We hope to see you on this all too special Saturday!
all info on Mark Gergis and the night below.....

Sublime Frequencies is a collective of explorers dedicated to acquiring
and exposing obscure sights and sounds from modern and traditional urban
and rural frontiers via film and video, field recordings, radio and short
wave transmissions, international folk and pop music, sound anomalies,
and other forms of human and natural expression not documented
sufficiently through all channels of academic research, the modern
recording industry, media, or corporate foundations. SUBLIME FREQUENCIES
is focused on an aesthetic of extra-geography and soulful experience
inspired by music and culture, world travel, research, and the pioneering recording labels of the past.

For hundreds of years, Oakland, California's POREST has exploited
reckless composition, performance and worldwide documentation via
multi-instrumentation, field recordings, perverse cut-uppers, dirty bomb
audio downers and whatever else gets in the way. On full-length albums
released by Seeland, Resipiscent and Abduction records, Porest has issued
a confounding collection of music and audio works ranging from mangled
pop and surrealist radio-dramas to diabolical protean ear-wash. Gergis is
a contributor to the Sublime Frequencies label, producing collections of
rare music, film, field and regional radio recordings from the Middle East, Asia and beyond. He is also a founding member of the shape-shifting
Bay Area group MONO PAUSE and its Southeast Asian permutation, NEUNG PHAK, among others.

Saturday, 21st of June @ OCCII, Amsterdam
Amstelveenseweg 134 (tram #1 (stop Overtoomsesluis) or #2)
doors open 22:30 till late, (probably) 4 Euro fee. Profit goes to charity!

Rebel Up! Soundclash (#14)
Diasporic sounds from the global underground.....
a global culture mashup of rougher world music and visuals,
(in ways of Mestiza and Gypsy beats, old skool Roots, roughness from Africa, Arabia & Asia, Latino funk and gritty electronics. Everything worldy mashed)
Rebel Up! is played by various Dj's.... all armed with a musical manifesto.

Please forward this to your interested friends, family, and network buddies, through word of mouth, digitally and so on. we hope to see you there! :)

Saturday, 17 May 2008

Rebel Up! Soundclash #13, Saturday 24th of May: a helping hand for Myanmar!

Hi all,

Thanks to the many of you that showed up at last months edition. Also big thank you to Christiaan and Jeroen of Nohmada, Friso and all the other goodhearted yet unnmamed people that helped us in making the party as it happened.
pretty please ps: peek below for some pics of last month!

This month's Rebel Up! Soundclash will be in aid of the cyclone catastrophy in Myanmar. As overheard on Belgian news that donations from the West have been far below an average level of aid, we at Rebel Up! want to raise immediate awareness for the current conditions in Myanmar! Our eye has fallen on Myanmar Charity Group as the charity for the night.

The goal that MCG have in their Cyclone Recovery project is to give out family packs on which a family of 5 can live on for 1 month. We hope our night can buy a lot of those family packs, so please spread the word and check their website

What MCG hqs to say about on which level they stand within the country and its network:
'MCG already has established local networks inside Burma to effectively distribute the funds to the cyclone victims and we will not run into obstacles like other international NGOs are facing. Dr. Yin Min Thein, Han Thi Oo, and May Thu Wint who are Myanmar Charity Group’s representatives in Burma, will be organizing and distributing the necessary items.'

About musical matters....
This saturday we will have a special guest from Poland who will bring his Vega Selecta sound of old skool reggae with buddhist trance rituals and easter european folk and so on. Good! The usual trio of Rebel Up dj's will also play their tricks and picks, plus again special VJ guests providing visual counterpoints to the soundwave soup to be absorbed by the eyes. Quite so.

We hope to see you Saturday!

Saturday, 24th of May @ OCCII, Amsterdam
Amstelveenseweg 134 (tram #1 (stop Overtoomsesluis) or #2)
doors open 22:30 till late, 4 Euro fee. Profit goes to charity!

Rebel Up! Soundclash (#13)
Diasporic sounds from the global underground.....
a global culture mashup of rougher world music and visuals,
(in ways of Mestiza and Gypsy beats, old skool Roots, roughness from Africa, Arabia & Asia, Latino funk and gritty electronics. Everything worldy mashed)
Rebel Up! is played by various Dj's.... all armed with a musical manifesto.

Please forward this to your interested friends, family, and network buddies, through word of mouth, digitally and so on. we hope to see you there! :)

pics 24th of April >>>>>>>>

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Rebel Up! Soundclash #12, Saturday 26th of April

Hi all,

This month's Rebel Up! Soundclash marks the return of one of the clan's grandaddies, who'll bring along loads of new sounds such as russian hiphop, muslim accordeon folk, african merenge and nepali crazy pop. Then, we'll also have the Nohmada chaps from Ghent playing along with us (, and special VJ guests Inti & Alejandra providing visual counterpoint to the soundwave soup.

Just like last month, profit & donations go to the Globalteer charity, assisting the schooling of orphans in Cambodia .. more info about this project will again be available on-site during the party @ the occii!

We hope to see you on Saturday!

Saturday, 26th of April @ OCCII, Amsterdam
Amstelveenseweg 134 (tram #1 (stop Overtoomsesluis) or #2)
doors open 22:30 till late, 4 Euro fee. Profit goes to charity!

Rebel Up! Soundclash (#12)
Diasporic sounds from the global underground.....
a global culture mashup of rougher world music and visuals,
(in ways of Mestiza and Gypsy beats, old skool Roots, roughness from Africa, Arabia & Asia, Latino funk and gritty electronics.)
Rebel Up! is played by various Dj's.... all armed with a musical manifesto.

Please forward this to your interested friends, family, and network buddies, through word of mouth, digitally and so on. we hope to see you there! :)

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Rebel Up! Soundclash #11, Saturday 29th of March

Humanity has been waiting too long for our return. Thus, we shall rise from the dead and bring the power and rebellion up to another level. This eleventh edition comprises our finest and sexiest DJs (see shaded picture attached) in the country. Yes, and I mean it, in the whole country. Indeed some of the best breed are fed with bio-seeds and folkish food from remote places, even one of those musical beasts is out of France, that's how remote it can be.

The 29th of March, this fine cattle will meet its crowd at the traditional OCCII stable where we'll milk the surrounding with Silk Roads music, where we'll bash morosity with a touch of playgroundbreaking-homemade-vyniltortillas-hipswailing-moveyourass sound. We've harvested in secret spots the cream of the crop, the freshest and sometimes oldschoolest riddims from really all around the world (we forgot last time the Canaries Islands we swear to do better this time). Anyway, the program (which never really existed) for the next edition bears some undefined quantity of surprises but, above all, the main motto of our party is to have fun in a rather sportive fashion, meaning if you sit too long in a corner, two French Poodles always come barking at you and tear your pants down. A warned Rebelupper is a warm RebelHoppa. Get the point for the others ...

Saturday, 29th of March @ OCCII, Amsterdam
Amstelveenseweg 134 (tram #1 (stop Overtoomsesluis) or #2)
doors open 22:30 till late, 4 Euro fee. Profit goes to charity!

Rebel Up! Soundclash (#11)
Diasporic sounds from the global underground.....
a global culture mashup of rougher world music and visuals,
(in ways of Mestiza and Gypsy beats, old skool Roots, roughness from Africa, Arabia & Asia, Latino funk and gritty electronics.)
Rebel Up! is played by various Dj's.... all armed with a musical manifesto.

Please forward this to your interested friends, family, and network buddies, through word of mouth, digitally and so on. we hope to see you there! :)

Saturday, 19 January 2008

Rebel Up! Soundclash #10, Saturday 26th of January

Hi there,

The Rebel Up! saga continues on Saturday the 26th of January.

Saturday, 26th of January @ OCCII, Amsterdam
Amstelveenseweg 134 (tram #1 (stop Overtoomsesluis) or #2)
doors open 22:30 till late, free in before 23:30, 4 Euro fee after.

Rebel Up! Soundclash (#10)
Diasporic sounds from the global underground.....
a global culture mashup of rougher world music and visuals,
(in ways of Mestiza and Gypsy beats, old skool Roots, roughness from Africa, Arabia & Asia, Latino funk and gritty electronics.)
Rebel Up! is played by various Dj's.... all armed with a musical manifesto.

Please forward this to your interested friends, family, and network buddies, through word of mouth, digitally and so on. we hope to see you there! :)